Campus Life » Clubs, Organizations & Extra Curricular Activities

Clubs, Organizations & Extra Curricular Activities

All athletic programs and school clubs must be approved by the administrator and must fulfill some part of the mission statement of HBCS.
No athletic program or practice or club meeting/event shall conflict with any regularly scheduled
Wednesday church activity and must be concluded by 5:00pm
No club meetings or athletic practices/games may occur on Sundays.
In certain situations and on rare occasions such as out of state travel, exceptions may be made to this policy after approval by the associate pastor and/or pastor of Highland Baptist Church.
Members of school clubs and organizations may wear their “club shirts” on meeting days with all other components of the regular school uniform (uniform shorts/pants with belt and appropriate school shoes.)
Beta Club (6th grade & higher) is an honors organization whose members participate in civic affairs
as well as school activities and service to others.
A student with a GPA of 3.0 or better is invited to join.
Key Club International is the oldest and largest student-led service program for high school
students. In partnership with the New Iberia Kiwanis Club, students are making a positive impact as they serve others in our school and community. HBCS Key Club provides our students with
opportunities to serve, build character, and develop leadership. The goal of Key Club is to fulfill the mission of the school in the sense that we are exemplifying Christ through our service to others.
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35
4-H Club (grades 4 & higher) members have opportunities to broaden their experiences in a wide variety of areas outside of the school setting.
Student Council represents the high school student body and supports the school in various ways.
National Honor Society (NHS) (High School) has as its basis for membership the following:
character, leadership, scholarship, and service. To be eligible for membership a student must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. Students will be inducted into NHS during the spring semester of their sophomore year.
To be considered an active member, students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 and a minimum of 8 honors classes.
Inactive members are not included in NHS activities nor will they receive an NHS stole at graduation.
STEM Club (Grades 4th & higher) The HBCS Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Club provides students with opportunities to discover and create through scientific inquiry. Students are involved with exploration, practical experiments and investigations, discussions, creations and reflections in a fun and collaborative learning environment.
Math Club is open to 7th and 8th grade students who enjoy learning new math strategies and stretching their logical thinking patterns. Students meet weekly to learn and apply strategies for math problems that require high-level processing and efficiency. Students also compete with others in the nation in five monthly competitions.
Upper elementary Math Club meets once per month
Highland School of Music offers classes in acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, piano, snare drum, drum set, and voice.
Complete the form below to join now!
Drumline performs at athletic and other school events.